25 October 2004

IE sucks

Microsoft sucks. Never knew my resume looked so bad in IE. Due to IE failure to read my color code. Luckily I fixed them.
Firefox Rocks! Only have problems in some aspx site.

Ever notice how fast windows run?
Neither do I.

24 October 2004

Of formating, elections, and haikus

Originally uploaded by dream on.
Decides to format my computer. Everything went fine, till my favs that i backed up couldn't be restore. Months and hours, spent on the net harvesting them. All gone. What can I say? Perhaps these haikus i found on the net can express my pain.

Your file was so big.
It might be very useful.
But now it is gone.

Windows ME crashed.
I am the Blue Screen of Death.
No one hears your screams.

Yesterday it worked.
Today it is not working.
Windows is like that.

With searching comes loss
And the presence of absence:
"My Bookmarks" not found.

A crash reduces
Your expensive computer
To a simple stone.

Three things are certain:
Death, taxes and lost data.
Guess which has occurred.

You step in the stream,
But the water has moved on.
This file is not here.

Out of memory.
We wish to hold the whole sky,
But we never will.

Having been erased,
The document you're seeking
Must now be retyped.

Serious error.
All shortcuts have disappeared.
Screen. Mind. Both are blank.

I also found a great site that host 30 seconds flash videos that's making fun of bush. It's great fun. Go take a look. Some of them are really well-made. Bush in 30 Seconds.

14 October 2004

My Resume

"He is a fool who sell his days for gold"

Still one have to eat. Thus, here's my resume posted onto the net.
Pray, help cast thee bait, in hope that the pool which is least expected; shell be a fish.

p/s: I'll halfway through my new book "The Complete SHERLOCK HOLMES" by SIR ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE. I love it. That explain the grammer. If u know any 'lobang' feel free to forward my resume. Thanks in advance. Resume

12 October 2004


castle_screen014 castle_screen007

Been playing Castlevania on my GBA eum. Great game. Got me addicted. There's actually quite a story line u know.

10 October 2004

Testing flickr

mmmh...i'm getting too skinny.

6 October 2004

Can u Help?

I heard about this appeal on saturday in bf. I've put a very small amount into the hello-kitty box, and my heart goes out to them. When faced with people who dedicate their life to service, what else can you do?
I'm quoting without permission on this, but i'm betting that the parties involved won't mind.

Message from Angie Monksfield:

Dear Members

Last year, the 113 pilgrims I led to India visited Lama Zopa's Root Institute (Ven Sangye Khadro was also at retreat there) in Bodhgaya. Besides being a meditation centre, they also offer free clinic services and classes for the poor in the area. We met the spiritual coordinator - New Zelander volunteer, Bernice McCombie, who gave us a guided tour of the institute. We donated biscuits and 30 boxes of clothes, toys and medicine to them.

She just wrote to me, highlighting their situation and therefore seek our assistance to sponsor their clinic services. Please read an extract of her message below:

"I hope you don't mind my writing but some things have been happening here that have impelled me to write to people as quickly as possible. I write to ask your help in the hope that you may be able to help or may know people who might be able to help. The visitors that visited the centre last year were so generous I wanted to let them know about our need in the hope that they may be able to help us once again.

Our clinic is having a funding crisis and we have had to cut back on our inpatients, no. of doctors, mobile clinic runs and other services we were providing to local people. I've personally heard of several cases since I returned to Bodhgaya a month ago where we have had to turn away people who had no where else to turn. Basically we need funding for our basic services, doctors and other staff wages, medicines, and the expenses that go with this and if it helped I could send some information for you.

I have to tell you about what I heard a couple of days ago when I was in the clinic talking to Dr Sanjay. It made me want to run from the hospital calling "please for pity sake can somebody help us". Well there is no help to be had here so I'm making my call for help by email in the hope that it generates same sense of urgency in you when you hear it. I tell you, so you can tell people so that they understand the desperation of some of the people here.

This man had been burned some time ago and had part of his fingers on one hand are missing. His other arm was bent but it was hidden under a piece of material. I asked Dr Sajay about him and he told me this man had come in a few weeks ago. They examined him and he needed surgery because the scar tissue had caused contractures in the arm. Because of situation we're in we couldn't offer surgery to him and of course he didn't have any money and because of his injuries is unable to work. You know what that means for him and his family. In his desperation and ignorance he decided to take matters into his own hands and went home and arranged for the local barber to cut through the arm so it could straighten - no anasthetic, no sterilisation,nothing and obviously not knowing about muscles and nerves. Now his position is even worse and we are treating him for the massive infection that resulted and who knows what will be his situation now. Just writing about it makes me want to weep.

He's just one and there's more and worse caes but I can't bring myself to write about them. Something has to happen quickly so we can help these people. If we can't help them there isn't anyone else. The Government hospitals and clinics and the standard of care offered is appalling.It would be one of my worst nightmares to ever have to go to one. Just today we took in a man who's knee was shattered some days ago.

Although in much pain he'd been turned away from the clinics here because he didn't have any money. A local priest and nuns from that community brought him to us.

Even though our clinic is small, the standard of care far exceeds that offered by these other places due to the training of foreign volunteers and the quality of the staff that we have here. We've been the difference between life and death for hundreds and hundreds of people. At the moment we're seeing up to 150 people a day. Can you imagine.

Last year alone we saw 53,000 people.

I don't know if it's been in the news there but the rains haven't come here this year which means the crops are failing so to add to the normal misery seems we may be looking at famine later in the year. No social welfare system here that's for sure.

So , from my heart, I write to ask please can you take this appeal for help to your friends, companies or whoever you think might be moved to help.

Please can you see what you can do for us. Thanks so much. I know you're so busy but I would be so grateful. It's not so often in our lives we have an opportunity to so direcly impact on people's lives and wellbeing.

I hope all is well with you Angie. Perhaps we will meet again this year. All the best and thank you.

Bernice McCombie

Spiritual Programme Coordinator

Root Institute for Wisdom Culture

email: riwisdom@sancharnet.in

Ph: 631 2200714


You can either contact her directly or please send your donations to Buddhist Fellowship(No 9 Lorong 29 Geylang, #04-02, Singapore 388065). If you are issuing a cheque, please issue to DOLLAR EXCHANGE PTE LTD and mail it to us to purchase a USD draft.


Angie Monksfield

Vice President - Public Affairs

5 October 2004

What if

What if North Korea have nuclear weapons?
What if we can download beheading videos on the net?
What if bombs go off around the world nearly everyday?
What if Taiwan has cruise missile to hit Shanghai?
What if China goes to war?
What if an eye for an eye make everyone blind?
What if the food we eat are no longer safe?
What if every week 19,231 people commit suicide?
What if every week 46,154 people die of Aids?
What if every week 384,615 people starve to death?
What if there is enough food to feed everyone on the planet?
What if 6% of the world own 59% of it?
What if 41% live without basic sanitation?
What if 14% can't read?
What if 47% live on US$ 2.00 per day or less?
What if poverty forces 100 million children to live on the street?
What if you keep your food in a refrigerator, your clothes in a closet;
What if you have a roof over your head, have a bed to sleep in;
What if you are richer than 75% of the entire world population?
What if Thavara can't go to school because her family can't afford it?
What if health care workers turn peoples away because they have no medicine?
What if Nong who has HIV want to be strong for her son?
What if we can all just get along?

Then what?

Alright, now read them again. Slowly.