Lots of things happening in my life too. I've been skipping waaay too many aikido class for my own good, that's because I training for a half-marathon. Yah, that's right. In fact, I'm ruuning in 3 events this year. 10km, 12km and finally in December, 21km. Hope the goodie bags are worth the affect.
Beside all the running, I have signed up for English speaking class, Non-violent communication(NVC, what-ever tat is), and corporate massage workshop. All this coming up in the month of september. Hopefully I'll find time to attend them (bearing in mind the resign-rate and the amount of work that's been pushed around).
I'll be taking part in a "Tie-a-yellow-ribbon walk" on 3rd Sep. It's part of the Yellow Ribbon Project. Why? Because some of the best people I know, are ex-offenders. Don't be too fast to judge a movie by its book, or a person by his past. Some of the worst people that we know, are not legally criminals(and i right, people?).

On a happier note, mid-autumn festival is coming up. It is my FAVature festival of the year. To me it's the most romantic. I'm buying lanterns and moon cakes for my friends, urging them to join in this celebration.