31 December 2004
latest death toll, channelnewsasia link
A very good site from Channelnewsasia for news updates and links to the latest donation means:
Killer waves
29 December 2004
Outreach for disaster victims
biggest earthquake in 40 years...the death toll surged past 63,000 on Wednesday...survivors told terrifying escape stories...
Another 22,000 were confirmed dead in Sri Lanka...Thousands of European and American tourists remained unaccounted for... Children made up a large proportion of the dead...
...fears of a catastrophic outbreak of disease.
But food and medicine was already desperately short in many stricken regions ... the overall death toll could surpass 100,000.
...nearly 80,000 refugees in Indonesia's the provincial capital...
About 2,000 bodies were buried in mass graves, but many rotting corpses remained on the streets...
looting had broken out and starvation loomed.
In Sri Lanka, the toll rose to 18,000
...hundreds of decomposed corpses.
....Mourners used their bare hands to dig graves...
...4,000 people were confirmed dead in India's...officials said the toll on Car Nicobar alone could top 10,000.
...received no word from dozens of islands in the Andaman and Nicobar chain which stretch over 800 km and were close to the earthquake epicenter.
... vultures gathered as survivors grimly buried or burnt their dead. The number of dead passed 8,500 Tuesday.
Thousands of foreigners remained missing in Thailand...
...government fears they are dead.
...700 foreign tourists are believed to be among those killed in Thailand.
... full horror wrought by waves up to 10m high that tore babies from the arms of their parents and carried children and the elderly out to sea.
..."People were screaming and kids were screaming all over the place, screaming 'help, help'. And after a few minutes you didn't hear the kids any more."
Dear friends,
I'm sure you have heard of the disaster that have hit various countries.
We have been so fortunate to be safe and well with our friends and family. The festive period should be a time of sweet reunion with our loved ones. Instead, 'babies were torn away', and 'graves dug with bare hands'. This is no time for you or me to sit around and feel helpless. I think one report put it best: "If within three to four days relief does not arrive, there will be a starvation disaster that will cause mass deaths."
We may not be able to do much, but lets help in any small ways we can to make this easier for our friends in the affected area.
I have included some means of giving donations, various collection point and relief programs. I urge all of you to help in any small ways we can. This festive period, instead of buying gifts and holding parties, donate the money to charities, help out at collection centers, and spring clean, give away your old clothes. This will make your holidays so much more meaningful.
Thank you.
List of sites of supporting organisations that are sending relief aid, and links to their site:
***Mercy Relief***
"In response to this humanitarian crisis, Mercy Relief and its institutional partners. Singapore Soka Association (SSA) & Young Sikh Association (YSA) together with the Singapore Red Cross Society (SRCS) are conducting a nationwide fundraising campaign for the victims of the calamity. This fundraising effort would allow Singaporeans from all walks of life to extend aid and compassion to our fellow neighbours in a substantial and concerted manner. The funds raised will be channelled towards supporting humanitarian relief and rehabilitation operations for more than 12,000 families in the affected countries, and assist in bringing their derailed lives back on track.
For more information, please call Mercy Relief at: 6332 6320"
You can donate though many channels:
-Credit Card,
-direct ATM transfer,
-Internet Banking.
Information at their site:http://www.mercyrelief.org/asiatidal.html
***Singapore Red Cross***
Red Cross House
15 Penang Lane
Singapore 238486
Tel : 6 336 0269
Fax : 6 337 4360
(near Dhoby Ghout MRT)
1.)By chequePlease address the cheque to "Singapore Red Cross Society" and indicate behind the cheque "Tidal Waves Asia". Include name, address and telephone number at the back of the cheque as a receipt will be sent to you.
2.)Donors may wish to come personally to make a donation (either by cash or by cheque) at the Red Cross House, 15 Penang Lane between 9.00am to 5.30pm on weekdays and from 9.30am to 12.30pm on Saturdays.
3) Donors may also make on-line donation at DBS website @ https://internet-banking.dbs.com.sg
For more information, please contact us @ 6334 9152 / 6334 9153 / 6336 0269.
***BF FireFly Mission***
Buddhist Fellowship’s Firefly Mission, together with Tisarana Buddhist Association and Brahm Education Centre are launching a Suffering Relief Program for the Tidal Wave victims in Sri Lanka. We appeal to you for 3 types of assistance:
1. Donation of items:
Medicine, first aid items, sanitary pads, toothbrush, toothpaste, tin food, dry food and CLEAN (new if possible) blankets, towels and clothes. Please pack them in bags or boxes and label them separately, eg.Food, Blankets, medicine. Clothes to be separated and labeled MALE, FEMALE and CHILDREN bag. Boxes are preferred but please do NOT seal.
ALL items are to be sent to Tisarana Buddhist Association at 90 DUKU Road, Off STILL Road (East Coast). Tisarana Buddhist Association contact number is 6345 6741.
2. Donation of cash:
Cash donations are collected at Brahm Education Centre. Cheques are to be made payable to Brahm Education Centre Ltd.
Cash or Cheque made payable to "Brahm Education Centre Ltd" are to be sent to Brahm Education Centre, 9 Lor 29 Geylang #04-02, Singapore 388065.
Please indicate "Suffering Relief Program" on the back of the cheque.
Receipts of items purchased for the victims with the cash donations will be collated and accounts on how the funds are dispensed will be available for inspection at the end of the project.
3. Going to Sri Lanka to Help:
A team of volunteers is being arranged to go to the disaster sites headed by Firefly Mission Coordinators, to assist with the Relief Suffering Program on the ground by educating the victims on hygiene, precautions and dispensation of aid. Anyone interested to join this team, please submit your name to Judy Soon at bfellow@singnet.com.sg. Trip is likely to be during the first weekend of January, to be confirmed.
If you have any questions, please call us at 6842 6422 or 6745 5007.
***Singapore Sinhala Association ***
We are making an appeal to all to put our hearts and hands together and exemplify the spirit of mutuallove and giving. We are collecting items to donateto the victims in Sri Lanka.
The items could beanything that are daily essentials.
For example:Blankets, Clothings, sanitary pads, milk powder,biscuits/cookies, slippers..e.t.c
Kindly deliver your donation items to Marine Parade Family Service Centre before 31 December 2004(Friday) by 5pm.
Address: Blk 53 Marine Terrace #01-227 S440053
We will hand over all donated items to SingaporeSinhala Association (SSA) to directly hand over the items to the affected victims.
The Singapore Sinhala Association (SSA) together with theSingapore Sinhala Buddhist Association (SSBA) andMaha Karuna Buddhist Society (MKBS) has commencedwith immediate effect a relief collection drive.
Goods collected in kind or money will be sent to SriLanka within the next few days.
Collection centre is at Sri Lankaramaya Temple, 30C St.Michael¡Çs Road,Singapore.
Following Items are needed urgently.
1.Tents / Blanket / Linen, etc
2.Food (Pre-cooked or Ready-to-eat meal packets)
3.Water Purification Tablets
4.Wheat Flour, Pulses and Rice
5.Drugs (Paracetamol, Antibiotics, Dressing & SutureMaterials, Disposable Syringes)
6.IV Infusion (Saline & Dextrose)
7.Portable Generators .
We are also jointly organizing a special MultiReligious Blessing service on 30th December 2004(Thursday) 7:30 pm at the Temple.
CONTACT 63910031 or 96751695.
Please visit http://www.singaporesinhala.com/disasterrelief/ for more information and updates.
25 December 2004
Of Yahoo, interviews, and Christmas.
Just went for an interview at NEA. It sounds challenging, low-paying, and having to deal with people shouting at u everyday. I love it. What a great opportunity to find out what sort of person i'm. A chance to test myself.
On top of this, an IT company submitted my resume to MOE for the position of a teacher assitant. We'll just have to see how it goes.
On Christmas, me, shuiling, eugene, sheewee, dennis, went to adeline home for a gathering. We all had a great time. I love good food and i love even better, good friends.
A Merry Christmas to all. And to all, a blessed life.
17 December 2004
Youths Religion Progress Seminar 2004
Such kindness, that can be felt in the eyes of the people there. I came back with this understanding. Islam is a great, peace-loving religion. And it was stressed today that Islam, like all great religion should be a thinking religion; rather than one that is too fix on ritue and form.
My lesson today seems to be: Go out there, see how big the world is. See what you can do. Reflex, Reflex, Reflex.
Met a guy named suman today. He's a social worker from India who have work with poverty all over the world. Just a small dark man. But he speaks with a fire in his eyes.
I am humbled.
14 December 2004
No to casino in Singapore
I urge all of you, please go to this web site and petition againsts having a casino: http://www.facts.com.sg
10 December 2004
VSA Camp'04
It was really a last minute decision. Came to know of this program only the night before, and never cross my mind to take part. Went nyp for a swim and dropped by to say hi. Surprise, surprise, saw vincent. Who would have thought so. Turned out he's a rather regular volunteer. Wrestled with myself for 5 minutes and decided there and then to take part. Got my stuff, borrowed 20 bucks from mom and is back in 2 hours.
It really felt like looking down a misty cliff and deciding 'what the heck' and jump; free-falling into the unknown depth, not knowing where the bottom is.
Scare. Oh yes i was. I didn't know what to expect. Doubt is not knowing whereter you such be doing something and whereter you can do something. Gary and Gek kook didn't help with tales of Guan hua last year. But hey, they are back again this year. And the first night i went to bed with the thought: 'hey, if they can do it, why can't you?'
First day: Guan Hua, Shiaw Lun, Fern, Jessica, Li Qing, Wei Neng, Zhen Yuan; how can i ever forget them. We had dancing and artwork lessons together. One day felt so long, and its so tiring. Had to call Guan Hua's mom(what did i expect?). Ask me again, I felt i had a great day. A friend sms me how am i. I replied: i'm in hell, surrounded by angels.
That night, for the first time in my life, i check on children to see that thy are sleeping properly. When shiaw lun woke up, i pat him back to sleep; zeng yuan have a habit of moving his feet; wei neng slept well; and at 3.04am i found guan hua's sleeping bag empty, thanks god he's not too far away. I wanted to put his sleeping bag on him, but i was scare of waking him up. The last thing i need at 3 in the morning is a awaken guan hua.
And the volunteers didn't get much sleep either. I feel i cheated. Because i slept so much. There are people who stay up just so the kids don't wonder off, and bring them to the toilet. And gek kook, among others stayed up so late staring at their kids.
It's my belief that volunteering, especially with special children, attracts the best sort of people. Observed that there is more girls volunteers that guys. I noticed that the same is true in other volunteer circle too. mmmh...maybe brahm is right. More girls go to heaven. Btw, girls should take a hint. If they know a guy who volunteers, he'll probably be a caring boyfriend, and a great husband.
Day 2: Outing day. I've been tasked with guan hua. Decided to try out some of those methods i read about in managing children. When he's in one of his tantrum and took someone elses handphone, i use the 'mother' card. I was surprise at the effect. And I felt bad. It felt unfair. I can tell he love his mother, and by that, i also say that his mother love him. Because when you love someone, it goes both way. Many a time when he and i was alone, and i'm lecturing him, my eyes will water up, i think he felt it too.
The outing was to Singapore museum and a boat ride on the Singapore river. Had to wash guan hua pants before the outing, because he shitted in them. I remember nothing of the museum, and that's saying something.
That night we neng and zeng yuan didn't sleep much. I sort of wish shiaw lun will wake up too. I wan to pat him to sleep. When someone is so dependent on you. What else can you do but love as a father his child?
Last day: Performent day. Noticed that we have probably overfed shiaw lun. He's starting to look like a care bear. The volunteers are really trying to get our act together for the big day. I'm not too worried. What the children want is applause. What the parents want is to see their children on stage. Whatever happens up there. The applause is going to be thunderous. The day goes on like the last 2. The usual tantrums, the disappearing act,'oh great, now what?' scenarios, basically the volunteers solving little crisis.
I'm almost sad to let my children go back to their parents. They, even the difficult ones, are so much more forgiving that anyone i know, even children. What gentle souls.
I have gain so much from this short experience. And I encourage everyone to volunteer. Open up your heart. Collect karma points. Whatever. Jump.
How do you love someone? Just accept them.
1 December 2004
In the mean time, i seem to have fallen under the pokemon spell AGAIN. Dowloaded the GBA rom- FireRed, LeafGreen; and began playing 2 days ago. Been sleeping at 3am in the morning these few nights,
Lots to do during the day too. Since i'm too broke to go ANYWHERE, i've been addressing out this year chirstmas cards. Lucky I brought them and the stamps when i still have a little cash. Must call some friends to find out their address.
This weekend on the 4th and 5th of December, that's a Disability Awareness Programme going on at Expo from 10.30am to 9pm. I'm volunteering. See you there.
19 November 2004
Dream Skyward
Anyway a friend just recommanded me math camp trainer in december. The timing just right too, right after I finish this assignment.
mmhh...sometime I really feel like getting a real full-time job with a stable pay rather than hopping from here to there. There's another reminder for us to pay up the montage for our flat from HDB. What to do, waiting for an interview from MOE is like waiting for US to move out of Iraq.
That's not to say I don't enjoy moving around and meeting new people, and learning new things. Heck, I quite like it. Like any good aikidoka will say :
When you are falling, dive.
11 November 2004
unhygienic practice of barbers
Recently I was at my neighborhood barber shop getting
my haircut. I noticed the barber using the same razor
for every customer without changing the blade. I
imagine this repeating everyday in barber shops all
over the island.
When I got back home, I ran a search on the web and
found that in September 2003, there is a news article
that HIV may have been passed between two Australia
sisters who shared a razor to shave their legs.
Any procedure in which a needle or razor is used on
more than one person involves a theoretical risk of
HIV transmission because of the possibility of
infected blood on the instrument.
Personal service workers like tattoo artists,
piercers, hairdressers and barbers, massage
therapists, manicurists, and acupuncturists should all
be educated on the risks and to take the necessary
I will like to know if there is any guidelines which
are designed to protect both the workers and their
customers from HIV and other blood-borne illnesses
such as hepatitis.
Thank You.
9 November 2004
6 November 2004
Educators/Teachers wanted. Apply at own risk.
Help wanted. Educator. Preferability with lion taming, counseling, nursing, refereeing, and speech giving experiences. Playwright, entertainer and drill sergeant will be given priority. Stationery and insurance not provided.
My first experience with a class of 40 P1 brats. I nearly came down with an heart-attack. I'll rather sign up to go Iraq. Give me a war zone over this any day baby, at least they give you a gun to shoot people you don't like.
Everyone stood in awe of the lion tamer in the cage, with half a dozen lions all under control of his "consequences." Everyone, that is, except the teacher... -June Dostal
2 November 2004
Of Spelling, interviews and riddles.
Jobless me have been job-hunting and the interviews were a laugh. I'll start by pointing out all the things i didn't know, and how bad i'm. The interviewer would then defense me by saying what a exceptional portfolio i have and what a special person i'm. Not too surprising that i'm still jobless.
J,K,Rowling let us have a bit of a Halloween candy by opening The Door again. Can't wait for next time. Riddle me this:
One by one we come to life,8 lettered word.
Then side-by-side we wait.
While our company swells in numbers,
(some come early, some come late);
And some of us may bore you,
And some of us enthral,
But you cannot choose between us,
You must take us one and all.
We'll be bound together tightly,
For we are naught if we break free.
If you'd like some clues about us
Simply answers: WHO ARE WE?
25 October 2004
IE sucks
Firefox Rocks! Only have problems in some aspx site.
Ever notice how fast windows run?
Neither do I.
24 October 2004
Of formating, elections, and haikus
Originally uploaded by dream on.
Your file was so big.
It might be very useful.
But now it is gone.
Windows ME crashed.
I am the Blue Screen of Death.
No one hears your screams.
Yesterday it worked.
Today it is not working.
Windows is like that.
With searching comes loss
And the presence of absence:
"My Bookmarks" not found.
A crash reduces
Your expensive computer
To a simple stone.
Three things are certain:
Death, taxes and lost data.
Guess which has occurred.
You step in the stream,
But the water has moved on.
This file is not here.
Out of memory.
We wish to hold the whole sky,
But we never will.
Having been erased,
The document you're seeking
Must now be retyped.
Serious error.
All shortcuts have disappeared.
Screen. Mind. Both are blank.
14 October 2004
My Resume
"He is a fool who sell his days for gold"
Still one have to eat. Thus, here's my resume posted onto the net.
Pray, help cast thee bait, in hope that the pool which is least expected; shell be a fish.
p/s: I'll halfway through my new book "The Complete SHERLOCK HOLMES" by SIR ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE. I love it. That explain the grammer. If u know any 'lobang' feel free to forward my resume. Thanks in advance. Resume
12 October 2004
Been playing Castlevania on my GBA eum. Great game. Got me addicted. There's actually quite a story line u know.
10 October 2004
6 October 2004
Can u Help?
I'm quoting without permission on this, but i'm betting that the parties involved won't mind.
Message from Angie Monksfield:
Dear Members
Last year, the 113 pilgrims I led to India visited Lama Zopa's Root Institute (Ven Sangye Khadro was also at retreat there) in Bodhgaya. Besides being a meditation centre, they also offer free clinic services and classes for the poor in the area. We met the spiritual coordinator - New Zelander volunteer, Bernice McCombie, who gave us a guided tour of the institute. We donated biscuits and 30 boxes of clothes, toys and medicine to them.
She just wrote to me, highlighting their situation and therefore seek our assistance to sponsor their clinic services. Please read an extract of her message below:
"I hope you don't mind my writing but some things have been happening here that have impelled me to write to people as quickly as possible. I write to ask your help in the hope that you may be able to help or may know people who might be able to help. The visitors that visited the centre last year were so generous I wanted to let them know about our need in the hope that they may be able to help us once again.
Our clinic is having a funding crisis and we have had to cut back on our inpatients, no. of doctors, mobile clinic runs and other services we were providing to local people. I've personally heard of several cases since I returned to Bodhgaya a month ago where we have had to turn away people who had no where else to turn. Basically we need funding for our basic services, doctors and other staff wages, medicines, and the expenses that go with this and if it helped I could send some information for you.
I have to tell you about what I heard a couple of days ago when I was in the clinic talking to Dr Sanjay. It made me want to run from the hospital calling "please for pity sake can somebody help us". Well there is no help to be had here so I'm making my call for help by email in the hope that it generates same sense of urgency in you when you hear it. I tell you, so you can tell people so that they understand the desperation of some of the people here.
This man had been burned some time ago and had part of his fingers on one hand are missing. His other arm was bent but it was hidden under a piece of material. I asked Dr Sajay about him and he told me this man had come in a few weeks ago. They examined him and he needed surgery because the scar tissue had caused contractures in the arm. Because of situation we're in we couldn't offer surgery to him and of course he didn't have any money and because of his injuries is unable to work. You know what that means for him and his family. In his desperation and ignorance he decided to take matters into his own hands and went home and arranged for the local barber to cut through the arm so it could straighten - no anasthetic, no sterilisation,nothing and obviously not knowing about muscles and nerves. Now his position is even worse and we are treating him for the massive infection that resulted and who knows what will be his situation now. Just writing about it makes me want to weep.
He's just one and there's more and worse caes but I can't bring myself to write about them. Something has to happen quickly so we can help these people. If we can't help them there isn't anyone else. The Government hospitals and clinics and the standard of care offered is appalling.It would be one of my worst nightmares to ever have to go to one. Just today we took in a man who's knee was shattered some days ago.
Although in much pain he'd been turned away from the clinics here because he didn't have any money. A local priest and nuns from that community brought him to us.
Even though our clinic is small, the standard of care far exceeds that offered by these other places due to the training of foreign volunteers and the quality of the staff that we have here. We've been the difference between life and death for hundreds and hundreds of people. At the moment we're seeing up to 150 people a day. Can you imagine.
Last year alone we saw 53,000 people.
I don't know if it's been in the news there but the rains haven't come here this year which means the crops are failing so to add to the normal misery seems we may be looking at famine later in the year. No social welfare system here that's for sure.
So , from my heart, I write to ask please can you take this appeal for help to your friends, companies or whoever you think might be moved to help.
Please can you see what you can do for us. Thanks so much. I know you're so busy but I would be so grateful. It's not so often in our lives we have an opportunity to so direcly impact on people's lives and wellbeing.
I hope all is well with you Angie. Perhaps we will meet again this year. All the best and thank you.
Bernice McCombie
Spiritual Programme Coordinator
Root Institute for Wisdom Culture
email: riwisdom@sancharnet.in
Ph: 631 2200714
You can either contact her directly or please send your donations to Buddhist Fellowship(No 9 Lorong 29 Geylang, #04-02, Singapore 388065). If you are issuing a cheque, please issue to DOLLAR EXCHANGE PTE LTD and mail it to us to purchase a USD draft.
Angie Monksfield
Vice President - Public Affairs
5 October 2004
What if
What if we can download beheading videos on the net?
What if bombs go off around the world nearly everyday?
What if Taiwan has cruise missile to hit Shanghai?
What if China goes to war?
What if an eye for an eye make everyone blind?
What if the food we eat are no longer safe?
What if every week 19,231 people commit suicide?
What if every week 46,154 people die of Aids?
What if every week 384,615 people starve to death?
What if there is enough food to feed everyone on the planet?
What if 6% of the world own 59% of it?
What if 41% live without basic sanitation?
What if 14% can't read?
What if 47% live on US$ 2.00 per day or less?
What if poverty forces 100 million children to live on the street?
What if you keep your food in a refrigerator, your clothes in a closet;
What if you have a roof over your head, have a bed to sleep in;
What if you are richer than 75% of the entire world population?
What if Thavara can't go to school because her family can't afford it?
What if health care workers turn peoples away because they have no medicine?
What if Nong who has HIV want to be strong for her son?
What if we can all just get along?
Then what?
Alright, now read them again. Slowly.
26 September 2004
I would love to roam the park with a nice candle lantern(always wish to have a hammer handy when i'm around one of those battery ones with build-in beeper.), sail paper boats on the pool, long dreamy stare into the skys...maybe even go admire the lanterns. Problem is, its so strange to do all this alone. Who can make the time? They should really make it a public holiday. I mean u wants more babies right? I think mid-autumn is a 100 times more romantic then valentine. Its the most beautiful, warm-hearting time of the year.
Who to spent it with? Who to spent it with?
25 September 2004
Dream life
In the past, people believed that we lived on a piece of flat ground. Some ancient civilizations believed that the world was carried on top of a giant turtle. A little while ago, we were told that we live on a globe that spins around a bigger globe. And the whole thing spins around with other stuff that's too vast to comprehend. Add space, and time and gravity to the whole mess and some extra ingredients we don't really know. And that's just 1 universe.
The truth is. And we all know the truth. We live in a world that spins, between our ears.
14 September 2004
So, what's up
bbq? Hurt my heart to see people unhappy. On a brighter note, i've got a list of movies i wan to watch. Garfield, terminal, new police story...so anyone out there wana treat me to a movie? Man, i'm broke. Just recieved my last pay check from saf. Hey, finally i'm on my own.But problem is that i still get calls from camp. Doing stock take i think. Hello? I can't spent my life solving your fucking problems.
Just had a gathering with my old bmtc mates, everyone still the same. Bless all of them. Saw some friends off on oversea trips, one guy nearly died(ok, so it's not his fault), finally get to paying my bills and sign up for courses(did i mention how poor i'm?), got a gmail account(who want one?), finally get around to do that volunteer tution thingy(wish me luck on this one), met a few primary school friends, room still in a mess, well life in a mess too, 2many things going on. Feel like sleeping all the time, got to get a job. Feel to go back aikido 2morrow.
Channel i new series: Dead like me is nice. I like it.
8 September 2004
Think Twice
(Took me whole night, required reading!) Think Twice!
Dear God, be good to me.
The sea is so wide,
and my boat is so small.-Breton Fisherman's Prayer
29 August 2004
Bye Bye Mayflower
A lot of us miss the school, some came back for the tour only. Surprising a lot really. Some could'nt make it i guess. But of course, what we really miss are the times we spend in our school. And of course the people. And our augurments, crushes, problems, punishments. In short, our growing up.
What to do? I mean even the teachers are retiring. Might even be a few funeral coming up.(Hey! This is real life, what do you expect?)
Seriously, we have learnt a awful lots of things in Mayflower. Much more than books and exams. And we have met many wonderful people, teachers and students, in here. The friendships forged will last forever. It's not a perfect school, but at least, I like it.
We live, work, and dream.
Each his own little scheme.
Sometime we laugh, sometime we cry.
And thus, the days go by.
Bye Bye Mayflower, to all - blessed be.
23 August 2004
20 August 2004
I want that smile!
How many of us would want to have that smile on their face.
"They deem me mad because I will not sell my days for gold;
and I deem them mad because they think my days have a price"-Kahlil Gibran
"It is not necessary to have great things to do.
I turn my omelet in the pan for the love of God"-Brother Lawrence
"If two angles wre sent down from heaven-one to conduct an empire, and the other to sweep a street-they would feel no inclination to change employments"-Isaac Newton
"Money has never yet made anyone rich"-Seneca
19 August 2004
heavy heart
Bush hater out there will want to catch the 9/11 show. I watched it. It's fun. There might even be a grind of truth in there somewhere.
I handed over my duty to a new guy today. So by right, i should be clearing my offs and leaves now. And so should everyone else. But no one in camp seems happy. The only smiling faces are on those who are staying on. Wonder why.
10 August 2004
NDP 2004
5 August 2004
I think everyone of us have a story to tell. I feel we should listen more to these stories, or we'll live in a world of our own. So please, please, go read this online book: The silent ark.
4 August 2004
I'm Ernie... => Who are you?
And while i was at it, i also found a fun Sesame Street site.
Sesame Street Character Test - Don't Read
Answers Until You Have Taken Test!!!!
Ever wondered which cartoon character u r most
like? Well, a team of researchers got together &
analyzed the personalities of Sesame Street
characters & put the information gathered into this
Ans each qns with the answer that most describes
u, then add up the points that correspond with ur
answer. Then send this to all ur frienz, including the
person who sent it to u with ur cartoon character in
the subject line. Keep track of the qns no and ur
ans. U'll need both to unlock the secret code at the
1) What describes ur perfect date?
a) Candlelight dinner for 2
b) Amusement park
c) Rollerblading in the park
d) Rock concert
e) See a movie
2) What is ur favorite type of music?
a) Rock and Roll
b) Alternative
c) Soft Rock
d) Classical
e) Popular
3) What is ur favorite type of movie?
a) Comedy
b) Horror
c) Musical
d) Romance
e) Documentary
4) Which of the following jobs would u choose if u
were given only these choices?
a) Waiter/Waitress
b) Sports Player
c) Teacher
d) Policeman
e) Bartender
5) Which would yu rather do if u had an hour to
a) Work out
b) Read
c) Watch TV
d) Listen to the radio
e) Sleep
6) Of the following colours, which do u like the
a) yellow
b) white
c) sky blue
d) teal
e) red
7) Which one of the following would u like to eat
right now?
a) ice cream
b) pizza
c) sushi
d) pasta
e) salad
8) W hat is ur favorite holiday?
a) Halloween
b) Christmas
c) New Year's
d) Valentine's Day
e) Thanksgiving
9) If u could go to any of the following places,
which would it be?
a) Paris
b) Spain
c) Las Vegas
d) Hawaii
e) Hollywood
10) Of the following, who would yu rather spend
time with?
a) Some1 who is smart
b) Some1 with good looks
c) Some1 who is a party animal
d) Some1 who has fun all the time
e) Some1 who is very emotional
Now total up ur points & find ur character below:
Q 1) a = 4 b = 2 c = 5 d = 1 e = 3 pts
Q 2) a = 2 b = 1 c = 4 d = 5 e = 3 pts
Q 3) a = 2 b = 1 c = 3 d = 4 e = 5 pts
Q 4) a = 4 b = 5 c = 3 d = 2 e = 1 pts
Q5) a = 5 b = 4 c = 2 d = 1 e = 3 pts
Q 6) a = 1 b = 5 c = 3 d = 2 e = 4 pts
Q 7) a = 3 b = 2 c = 1 d = 4 e = 5 pts
Q 8) a = 1 b =3 c = 2 d = 4 e = 5 pts
Q 9) a = 4 b = 5 c = 1 d = 2 e = 3 pts
Q 10) a = 5 b = 2 c = 1 d = 3 e = 4 pts
(10-17 points): U r OSCAR.
U r wild & crazy & u knw it. U knw how to hv fun,
but u may take it to extremes. U knw what u r
doing though, & r much in control of u own life.
People don't always see things ur way, but that
doesn't mean that u should do away with ur
beliefs. Try to rem that ur wild spirit can lead to
hurting urself & others.
(18-26 points) U r ERNIE.
U r fun, friendly, & popular. U r a real crowd
pleaser. U hv probably been out on the town ur
share of times, yet u come home with the values
that ur mother taught u. Marriage & children r
important to u, but only after u hv fun. Don't let the
people u please influence u to stray.
(27-34 points) U r ELMO.
U r cute, & everyone loves u. U r a best friend that
no one takes the chance of losing. You never hurt
feelings and seldom have ur own feelings hurt. Life
is a breeze. U r witty and calm most of the time.
Just keep clear of backstabbers, and u r worry
(35-42 points) U r ZOE.
U r a lover. Romance, flowers, & wine r all u need
to enjoy urself. U r serious about all commitments.
A family person. U call ur Mom every Sunday, &
never forget a Birthday. Don't let ur passion for
romance get confused with the real thing.
43-50 points) U r BERT.
U r smart, a real thinker. Every situation is
approached with a plan. U r very healthy in mind
and body. U teach strong family values. Keep ur
feet planted in them, but don't overlook a bad
situation when it does happen.
29 July 2004
27 July 2004
What to do with my life
Finally paid back my sleep debt just now. Know what is sleep debt? Theory is that every time u are woke before you wake up naturally, u own ur body a certain amount of sleep time, and u wouldn’t felt rested till u paid it back.(funny tis don’t seem to apply to out-field, but then we morph to super human out field anyway.)
Now, I feel really pressured about money. My mum has been asking me to look for a stable, high paying job. Reminding me about all the debt we have to pay.(“the house still must pay u know”). I grow up worrying about money; in fact I worry about many things. But I’m a laid-back kind of person. I don’t wan to work for money. What about dreams, passion, and all that crab? (From what i heard from friends, i'm not the only one)
There is a recent poll on the paper about if young people will accept low paying job if it is their interest. Well, I would. Really. But will I have the support of the people around me? I think now is the time (seeing that I’m getting out of ns soon), to “decide what kind of a person that I want to be.”
Want to be a teacher, can’t think of any things else worth doing, it’s such a noble job. I will die if I have to spend the rest of my life in front of a computer. Imagine going to the same gray place where everyone wear the same mourning clothes everyday for the rest of your life. The same lifeless ‘good morning’, the hurried lunch, the hopeless morning dash for the bus, heck even the temperature doesn’t change.
No way, not for the world. Still, we have to eat. True, I could go mad with the kids, but hey, someone got to do it. I’ll rather take my chances with them.
But all tis talk only. Who knows what the future holds?
19 July 2004
Instant Karma!
What can I say? Opening the door to our heart, one at a time.
17 July 2004
The Worst Birthday
Money matter does't seem too good. I don't know why I let myself get caught in the middle of all this shit.
The afternoon was nice nap was nice, called back camp after that. As expected, its about something totally unsolvable by me, and the ONLY person who can has wisely shut his phone the entire day. And then thats this meeting on monday, about some LRI thingy. Off burn again.
I was irritated in aikido class today, and i was annoyed.
16 July 2004
15 July 2004
Love, Me
"The love that we have in our youth is superficial compared to the love that an old man has for his wife"
Love, Me
(Skip Ewing/Max T. Barnes)
I read a note my grandma wrote back in nineteen twenty-three.
Grandpa kept it in his coat, and he showed it once to me. He said,
"Boy, you might not understand, but a long, long time ago,
Grandma's daddy didn't like me none, but I loved your Grandma so."
We had this crazy plan to meet and run away together.
Get married in the first town we came to, and live forever.
But nailed to the tree where we were supposed to meet, instead
Of her, I found this letter, and this is what it said:
If you get there before I do, don't give up on me.
I'll meet you when my chores are through;
I don't know how long I'll be.
But I'm not gonna let you down, darling wait and see.
And between now and then, till I see you again,
I'll be loving you. Love, me.
I read those words just hours before my Grandma passed away,
In the doorway of a church where me and Grandpa stopped to pray.
I know I'd never seen him cry in all my fifteen years;
But as he said these words to her, his eyes filled up with tears.
If you get there before I do, don't give up on me.
I'll meet you when my chores are through;
I don't know how long I'll be.
But I'm not gonna let you down, darling wait and see.
And between now and then, till I see you again,
I'll be loving you. Love, me.
Between now and then, till I see you again,
I'll be loving you. Love, me.
11 July 2004
Straighten your back
Takizawa sensei, held a training section with us today, followed by a luncheon and Birthday celebration for him. I had a good day, enjoyed the training, and enjoyed the food. But there seems to be some points, or feelings I can’t put a finger on. Maybe it’s training with these extraordinary aikidoka, who shows you first hand what with hard training, u can also do. Or the joy and fun of aikido. How with patients and a grin, u can teach without words. Or the friends u have, although u meet once in a long while (I believe that aikido attracts the best types of people, I mean, just look at me;-).
My “unforgettable moment” comes just as we were going out of the restaurant, and my back was pulled back and straightens. I turned around and saw this weathered face with that bemused grin. In my 5 years in aikido, only sensei have slapped my back, and that’s only during training. Why, I myself have on occasions, corrected kids on their bended back. To be remained, in such a gentle way, by someone who I just met. I was blown away. Such concern. A gentle reminder to be mindful, always. And to think I don’t even know his name, all I can do is to give that stupid smirk.
What a day.
Latter, after a sound sleep (I hit the hay right after I reach home). I watched the nkf children fund raising program. I was touched by the courage and wisdom of all those wonderful people. Reminded once again that I must take care of my body, keeping it as well as possible, like straightening my back.
9 July 2004
Booking of the Pit or The Perfect Pit or How I walk up and down East Coast finding the Pit.
The odds were against me from the begining, first recieve sms like, and i quote:
I think book the 20m, 1 pit enough. ... ... I feel 1 of the 20m pit is enoughI have to agree that one 20m pit will be enough, although the people at the ends will have some trouble hearing, or seeing each other. But i soon realise it's a typo, "the 20 dollars pit".
That done, I still have to make another call to another sleepy head who told me that the amount of people coming is uncertain. That's nothing new, so now it's up to "the man on the ground" as my encik would say "to sort it out".
Long story short, the people there were friendly enough, giving me all sorts of advise and diagrams, and gosh! maps! I leave my bag with them and recce the ground, considering the various factors that make a great bbq-ing spot. Top on the list are toilets, then the space, condition of the soil around the pit, distance between the pit, condition of the beach by the pit...finally decided on pit 29 and 30.
They are close to toilet b2, close to shops yet far away to be quite, they sandwich a sheltered hut away from the sun and rain, lots of trees and benches around, AND have a wonderful view of the sea. Perhaps, more importantly there are enough space for ANY amount of people. Pretty cool huh? Trust me, next time U book a pit at east coast, 29, 30 are really not bad choice.
Went for a swim & tan, feeling good about life.
rainy day and no one to watch spiderman with
But it's ok, funny how things work out. I promise to book 2 pits in east coast and the timming fit. I can go to camp, sort out the shit, take a bus to east coast, have a swim, plus a tan, a pinic(i went shopping and bought tunna and drinks, this seng shong chain really is something, things are cheap), then book the pit(yes rong, this is what i was planning to do all along, NOT because of your call, btw the pit 2 X 4m = 8m, roast pig is it?),and still be back in time for aikido. Look like another blissful day 2morrow. But then, we should all realise by now that the best of plans, go astray.