8 May 2005

Ballons Sculpting

Peehw..! The recent Charity Drive at NEA finally came to an end. I was so worried for the organisers, i stayed behind till they tally the results. The target is 15K and they(somehow) manage to raise 14. WoW! I took part in the ballon sculpting class, and now my room's fill with ballons. Could be a new hobby.

P/s: it's nice to lay on the field at night in a slight drizzle, because u can see the raindrops falling out of the sky.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

eh wah sounds like fun. Sorry I couldn't shoot for them; been busy with work. Been giving photoshop tuition. Stopped taking photos cos I'm working on my old stuff as well as teaching to get $$$.

What else did you guys do? Sounds so interesting... balloon sculpting.... wah so cool. -adam