I though I'll start after a long break with a Christmas theme post seeing how it's just around the corner.
Religion has been making headlines for the past few years, with Islam graping the most attention and Christianity coming a close second. It would seem unfair to pick on these 2 religion, bagging them with difficult questions and criticism. But these are the 2 biggest religion that are actively, and increasingly so, influencing politics and the life of millions of people. The best way to clear the room is to remove the biggest elephants first.
Religion has for too long been a sacred cow. It is THE convention stopper. Anytime people says: "This is my faith". People are suppose to politely look away, resits the urge to roll their eyes, and tactfully change the topic. Rational, open, and intelligent people who can talk at length about politics and sex are stopped by the mere mention of the the word 'faith'.
I do not have any issues about people who finds comfort in their faith and do not wish to question them. After all, there are some, if diagnose with a terminal illness would wish for their doctor to lie to them. But I do have BIG issues with people who let their personal faith interfere with the rights of other people.
I was browsing through Malaysian Atheist site when I came across his post on "Jesus Camp"
Last night I watched a horror movie. This one was scarier than all of Wes Craven's movies, all the Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street or Halloween slasher flicks I've seen before. And the amazing thing is that this movie doesn't have any psychotic killers, ghoulish monsters and no blood and gore. What makes this movie scary is that it is REAL and it's called Jesus Camp.Unsurprisingly he is also a sympathiser of Richard Dawkins, which I am also a fan of. Richard Dawkins has liken blind faith to a virus to which we infect our children with. Children in their childlike innocence, is being scared shitless and brainwashed by the people they trusted the most. They are taught that Evolution and Global Warming aren't real. And what evident does the adults have that the world actually works that way? 'Faith'.
Somewhere out there in middle America, talibanic Christian fundamentalists are creating an army of children to wage war against secular America...
Jesus Camp has been uploaded into you-tube so, do see and judge for yourself if my statements are too harsh.
Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nl0MwNFry2cWhile you are at it do, check out Richard Dawkins new book, The God Delusion and his documentary(free!) Root of all Evil at Google video.
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXLkJI5E4gM
Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZ5XxO3jI24
Part 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kwsv3fSGbs
Part 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BM06UnCcI4
Part 6: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvvVYXW3gUs
Part 7: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2absvyNj71g
Part 8: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2oUOu96a2k
Lastly, I want to make it crystal clear that I'm aware that they are many rational, loving and non-fundamental Christians around. Going to University has allowed me to meet more of you. My question to you is: "Why so silent?" Is it unawareness? Or a sense of helplessness? Religion has a history of causing clever people to do stupid things, so please stand up if you feel that your religion is been hijacked.
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