"Using science to learn about Feng Shui"
astrology, numerology, gemancy. It is by any reasonable definition, a superstitious.
mystical knowledge that allows you to manipulate energy and possibly fate, and bring happiness and joy to everyone you meet. So the question is: "What evidences do you have that the world actually works that way?" If you are a reasonable and intelligent person, you would see that feng shui could not be proved. Do be a science, you need to be able to produce consistence and measurable results in controlled experiments. You can't just walk around and say it's true because I say so, and I have a nice suit and a fancy compass. What is happening here is that we are giving the feng shui masters a "magic check". He or she can say anything and give any advices and never be wrong. Who's going to correct them?
It's magic.
And the that's vibration, whatever, you got to do chi, or the game's is up. It's the “energy” word that gives the whole thing a flavor of science. "Energy is a scientific thing right? It got to be science if you involve energy." My question is still the same, "so prove it". This mysterious energy that you find in all things (master yoda would make a fine feng shui consultant by the way), could you measure it? Could you detect it in any way? No? Well, then its not science, it's magic. Now many feng shui people would at this point, starts blabbing about how you can't detect this energy but you can see its effect on things...blah blah blah. Ok, next logical question. Can this mysterious energy of yours have any real effect on the physical world? Yes? Well, if it has an effect on the measurable physical world, then why can't we detect it? That's illogical. Oh right, feng shui doesn't need logic, it's magic.
false or incorrect logical principle that makes an augment
- argument from ignorance, we can't prove that it isn't true. We can't prove that feng shui doesn't happen therefore feng shui is real. It's impossible to disprove a negative. There are so many things that can't be disprove, I could be a alien. You can't disprove that.
- argument from authority, there's why the suit and funny clothes are important. It's ture because the master says it's true.
- argument from personal incredulity, I can't explain or understand this, therefore it's true.
- false Continuum, there is a fuzzy line between science and this, therefore they are really the same thing.
- Inconsistency, chi effects the world we live in, but we can't see or measure this effect.
- "Special pleading, or ad-hoc reasoning This is a subtle fallacy which is often difficult to recognize. In essence, it is the arbitrary introduction of new elements into an argument in order to fix them so that they appear valid. A good example of this is the ad-hoc dismissal of negative test results. For example, one might point out that ESP has never been demonstrated under adequate test conditions, therefore ESP is not a genuine phenomenon. Defenders of ESP have attempted to counter this argument by introducing the arbitrary premise that ESP does not work in the presence of skeptics. This fallacy is often taken to ridiculous extremes, and more and more bizarre ad hoc elements are added to explain experimental failures or logical inconsistencies."
- appeal to popularity, many people believe this, therefore it's true.
- argument from age, it's got to be good because it is traditional or has been around for a long time.
- Equivocation is the use of more than one definition of a word or phrase so that a faulty conclusion is reached. Think energy, chi, energy fields.
- Galileo Gambit where the writer compares herself (or whoever she is supporting) to some famous person, noting some alleged similarity. "They didn't believe Galileo, and now they didn't believe me."
- Scare tactics, threatened people with some undesirable consequence, ie bad luck.
Motorola patented a Feng Shui measuring phone.

A little irrationality for the promise of greater success in life - think about it: what does the boss have to lose? Nothing. No staff will dare criticise the boss. He pays these Feng Shui practitioners peanuts. He gets some peace of mind. To him, he has invested in some esoteric measure towards ensuring spiritual success over the future.
You can call it stupid, unproven and a complete waste of time and resources. I call it business oppurtunity. Think about it. How can both parties lose? It's kind of like placebo medicine, only translated to the commercial sense.
If you say feng shui is scam, what is the long history behind the feng shui? Are people of last generations being too dumb to believe in it? Or can you prove that some things that actually exists doesn't appear to you in what you see.This is not supertitious but millions of people around the world really feels it existence in it. Can i say that you are relying on technology/science too much nowaday?? Isn't there a things call "MIRACLE" in this world? Well,i dont really agree on what you say about FENG SHUI...
Well, you may make yourself look ugly and dirty..see how many people would actually took a glance at you. You are actally a living "FENG SHUI" yourself...Think about it!
“If you say feng shui is scam, what is the long history behind the feng shui? Are people of last generations being too dumb to believe in it?”
Remember first, that in the olden days they did not have advanced instruments of any sort to tell them why things happened. Perhaps this is why Feng Shui was developed, as it sometimes may have worked to explain the unexplainable. However, long history? You cannot use history to back information up. What you’re saying is that if generations of people believed in the spaghetti monster, it would exist.
“Or can you prove that some things that actually exists doesn't appear to you in what you see.”
What you’re saying is that the spaghetti monster exists, it’s just that I can’t see it.
“This is not superstitious but millions of people around the world really feels it existence in it.”
Oh really? I feel an attachment to the spaghetti monster too, and I’m sure if I convince enough people that I am correct, they will believe me.
“Can i say that you are relying on technology/science too much nowaday?? Isn't there a things call "MIRACLE" in this world?”
Miracles do not exist. They are works of magic. Do you honestly believe that people, calling on the power of Feng Shui… (???) could seriously heal someone? What you’re saying is that magicians can really cut themselves in half and not get hurt or that jumping from a cliff cannot kill you.
“Well,i dont really agree on what you say about FENG SHUI... Well, you may make yourself look ugly and dirty..see how many people would actually took a glance at you. You are actally a living "FENG SHUI" yourself...Think about it!”
Now I don’t even know what the hell you’re talking about.
Bottom line is that Feng Shui is not going to help you at all. The things we do in life have to be logical. Spinning a board or turning your furniture is the illogical way for solving matters.
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