19 May 2005

Hey! Who wana catch Flipside at Esplanade?

I wana watch Ristorante Immortale and The Return at Esplanade in the next few weeks.
Who wanna to catch them with me?

15 May 2005

Vesak 2549

Took part in the celebration at Orchard this weekend. Tiring and fun, good to see all those people again. Ehi Passiko.

8 May 2005

Ballons Sculpting

Peehw..! The recent Charity Drive at NEA finally came to an end. I was so worried for the organisers, i stayed behind till they tally the results. The target is 15K and they(somehow) manage to raise 14. WoW! I took part in the ballon sculpting class, and now my room's fill with ballons. Could be a new hobby.

P/s: it's nice to lay on the field at night in a slight drizzle, because u can see the raindrops falling out of the sky.